NetzSinn Social Share (aka BW Social Share) is an easy to setup and customize social share buttons Joomla Module - ready to use in responsive layouts. It uses the "Ridiculously Responsive Social Sharing Buttons" jQuery library by Kurt Noble http://kurtnoble.com/labs/rrssb/ (MIT Licensce). Thanks to Kurt Noble!
With this extension you'll get the following benefits:
Awesome looking Social Buttons
Ready for Responsive Layout
Easy to setup
Numerous Social Share Services supported (Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Pinterest, and many more)
Even Buttons for print, Whatsapp and Email
Each Social Service is optional
Configurable Buttons
Configurable Social data, like title, description, image, author and path
If no Social data provided, it grabs it from Meta title, Meta description (for details see below)
Optional: Adds Google Universal Tracking Coder like this: onClick="ga('send', 'event', 'socialshare', 'click', 'facebook');" (Just Joomla 3)
Optional: Adds Google Analytics 4 GA4 Tracking Coder like this: onclick="gtag('event', 'click', {'event_category': 'socialshare', 'event_label': 'facebook'});" (since v3.0.0)
Install the Plugin in the Joomla Backend and configure it under System -> Modules.
NetzSinn Social Share Module - includes the "Ridiculously Responsive Social Sharing Buttons" jQuery extension by Kurt Noble
Use Cases
The Plugin may be configured for different use cases:
Add Social Share buttons to a single page - with individual settings
Assign Social Share buttons to a group of pages - with same settings for all pages - or let the module automatically grab the meta title and meta description of an individual page.
NetzSinn Social Share
Share this with your friends:
Data submitted to Social Webservices:
Title: "NetzSinn Social Share"
Description: ""
Path: https://www.netzsinn.de/joomla-module-bw-social-share
Box Title: Share this with your friends:
Module Settings:
Google Universal Analytics Event Tracking: ON
Debug Mode: ON
System Requirements
Joomla 3.9, Joomla 4, Joomla 5
jQuery enabled
v3.4.0: Improved jQuery integration to no longer block Social Media pop-ups from loading on some systems.Optimized icons size on small and midsized screens.
v3.3.0: Changed Twitter icon and colour to X
v3.2.0: Joomla 5
v3.0.0-beta: Refactored code to embrace Joomla 4 service provider. Removed Google Plus. Remove Google Universal Analytics tracking in favour of Google Analytics 4 GA4. For example, the tracking code looks like this (Facebook event tracking): onclick="gtag('event', 'click', {'event_category': 'socialshare', 'event_label': 'facebook'});"
v2.1.0: Code refactoring towards Joomla 4 API; Renamed to NetzSinn Social Share (aka BW Social Share)
v2.0.4: Switch Yes/No Buttons in Manifest file to show green on Yes and grey on No in administration
v2.0.3: Fixed wrong Namespace declaration and error in frontend
v2.0.2: Prepared Joomla 4 compatibility; Works with Joomla 4 and above
v1.5.5: Added Module Class Suffix box to the module admin (Joomla 3 compatible)
v1.5.4: Now, print icon gets displayed correctly
v1.5.3: Added Japanese and German translation for the admin interface
v1.5.0: Added Telegram support
v1.4.5: Bugfix WhatsApp URL
v1.4.4: Optimized Buttons on screens with width smaller 460px
v1.4.3: Bugfix WhatsApp URL
v1.4.2: Bugfix on resizing small icons
v1.4.0: Added XING support
v1.3.1: Added Youtube URL
v1.2.0: Added another button style: Optionally show large buttons with icons and text, even on smaller screens
v1.1.0: Optionally show small buttons with icons but without text, even on larger screens
Module Settings
Tab Social Content
Title:headline, call to action or subject of the post; if empty the META title is used
Description:some text describing what's about; if empty the META description is used
Author:authors name; if empty the domain name is used
Image:Url to the image, needed for Facebook
Path:URL to the page; if empty the current page URI is used.
Box Title:Text above the social buttons; It can be used for a call to action to socialize. RAW data is allowed
Google Universal Analytics Event Tracking:optionally adds an onClick="ga('send', 'event', 'socialshare', 'click', 'pinterest');" to each button
Button Style:"Default:" buttons shrink on small screens.
"Just small": shows buttons with just the icons - and without text.
"Just large": always show large buttons with icons and text - just two in a row -
Debug Mode:optionally prints out the data sendet to the Social Web Services and module settings
Hidden feature (for programmers only)
for title, description, image and path the module will look in the Session for an array called "open_graph" like this: array('og:title'=>, 'og:description', 'og:url', 'og:image'=>); If these values aren't null they will be used instead of META data.
Tab Social Services
Currently the following Social Web Services are included. You may configure the Button text (but not the social icon).
Youtube *
Tumblr *
Reddit *
vk *
Hackernews *
Pocket *
* experimental
Tip 1:Install TAGZ or Shack Open Graph to get best results with Social Share.
Tip 2:Assign BW Social Share buttons to just about anything you want by using i. e. RegularLabs Advanced Module Manager extension for this.
Tip 3:If you are using Seblod, check this article on how to add Open Graph Metadata on Seblod content types. Consider to implement the hidden feature mentioned above.
Tip 4:Use the following testing tools, to discover errors on your meta data for social shareing.
- Debug Facebook: https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/
- Twitter Card Validator: https://dev.twitter.com/docs/cards/validation/validator
- Google Structured Data Testing Tool: http://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/richsnippets
- Pinterest Rich Snippet Validator: http://developers.pinterest.com/rich_pins/validator/
Tip 5:In case you have problems with the Joomla Cache, go to the module administration, hit the tab Advanced and change the Caching settings from "Use Global" to "No caching".
Tip 6:
In case you have no jQuery installed use the jQuery easy extension.
GNU general public license
The latest version uses service provider architecture, removed Google+ and Google Universal tracking (uses gtag GA4 tracking instead).
Older versions
Please, support this extension and review on Joomla Extension Directory JED!